* 项目管理负责人、项目经理、项目主管
* 项目的概念
* 项目管理的要素
* 项目的生命周期
* 项目的环境分析
* 项目管理的目标与企业管理的目标
* 项目的系统化过程管理:启动、计划、执行、控制、收尾
* 综合管理:项目目标的设定、立项、筛选、计划、执行、控制
* 范围管理:项目的WBS模板、分解方法
* 时间管理:项目的进度模板、网络图技术、关键链技术
* 成本管理:项目的资源配置、费用估算,研发、工程项目的成本控制
* 质量管理:项目的质量规则、保证和控制,项目管理与ISO质量管理、6σ质量管理
* 人力资源管理:组织管理下的项目团队的建设、激励管理
* 沟通管理:项目的沟通干系人分析及特点,沟通计划和实施
* 风险管理:项目的风险因素,识别、分析、应对、监控
* 采购管理:项目中的设备采购和分包管理
* 项目组织架构
* 项目组织的项目管理体系
1. The concepts of project and project management
* The concepts of project
* The keys of project management
* The project lifecycle
* The environment analysis of project management
2. The process of project management
* Objectives of project management and enterprise management
* Systemic process management of projects: initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing
3. Nine knowledge areas of project management
* Integration management: confirm objective, create, filter, plan, execute, control
* Scope management: WBS templates of projects, breakdown methods
* Time management: schedule templates of projects, network diagram, critical chain method
* Cost management: assign resource of project, cost estimating, cost control of R&D and engineering projects
* Quality management: quality planning, quality assurance and quality controlling of projects, project quality management, ISO quality management and 6σ quality management
* Human resource management: build a team and motivate group members under enterprise management
* Communication management: stakeholder analysis of projects, communication planning and execution
* Risk management: risk factors of projects, how to identify, analyze, response, monitor and control
* Procurement management: facility procurement and outsourcing management of projects
4. Organization management of projects
* The framework of project organization
* The project management system of organization
5. Summary of project management