* 搜索潜在供应商
* 筛选潜在供应商
* 有效评估供应商
* 认识国际采购合同中的各项条款
* 解读最新Incoterms
* 有效应对合同中的风险
* 有效控制汇率风险
* 熟读
* 核算采购总拥有成本
* 准备各种国际贸易单据
* 辨识国际运输各环节
* 选择合适的保险条款
* 办理海关及其他相关手续
1. Sourcing and evaluating the suppliers in international markets
* Searching for potential suppliers
* Filtering out potential suppliers
* Assessing suppliers effectively
2. Identifying the risks in contracts
* Understanding terms in international purchasing contracts
* Interpreting the latest incoterms
* Dealing with the risks effectively
3. Avoiding financial risks
* Controlling the exchange risks effectively
* Understanding the terms of L/C
* Calculating the TCO
4. Management of international purchasing process
* Preparing all kinds of documents
* Identifying the process of international transportation
* Selecting suitable insurance items
* Handling customs clearance and others
* 涉及国际采购领域的相关采购及物流部门人员