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课程编号:22031 查看完整版课程大纲
时间地点:2015/9/7日 至 2015/9/8日 上海培训时长:2天
课程类别:行政法规 (查看该类别更多课程)
所有排期: 2016/3/14至2016/3/15 北京 2016/3/24至2016/3/25 上海 2016/6/27至2016/6/28 上海 2016/9/26至2016/9/27 上海 2016/10/20至2016/10/21 北京 2016/12/22至2016/12/23 上海

* 为什么劳动法与其他法律有所不同
* 比较标准工时工作制、不定时工作制与综合计算工时制
* 社会保险与公积金都是强制性的吗
* 解析人事外包与劳动力派遣
* 解读工会组织与工会组织扮演的角色
* 工资的组成与最低工资的计算
* 经济补偿金、经济赔偿金与违约金

* 劳动合同">劳动合同的一般条款
* 劳动合同">劳动合同的试用期
* 可以在劳动合同">劳动合同内附加的条款:保密条款、脱密期条款、竞业禁止条款、赔偿条款
* 事实劳动关系、有固定期限劳动合同">劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同">劳动合同
* 劳务合同与劳动合同">劳动合同的比较
* 集体合同到底有什么作用

* 制订企业规章的步骤与方法
* 部分企业规章内容解读
- 病假与病假工资
- 加班与休假
- 工伤与工伤待遇
- 劳动保护与安全卫生
- 福利与培训
* 执行企业规章时需注意到的要点

* 如何预防劳资纠纷
* 企业与员工的谈判:个人谈判、工会谈判、通过第三人/机构协调
* 劳动仲裁与法律诉讼的程序简介
* 劳资源纠纷过程中的举证责任与证据搜集
* 如何有效地与律师一起解决劳动争议
1. Clarification on some concepts of labor legal affairs
* Why labor law and other laws are different
* Comparison among standard, no-fixed and comprehensive calculated working hour system
* Are social insurance and accumulation fund compulsory
* Analysis on HR outsourcing and labor force dispatching
* Study on trade union and the role of trade union
* The composition of salary and calculation of minimum salary
* Economic compensation, indemnification and default fine

2. Overview of labor contracts and service contracts overview
* The general clauses of labor contract
* The probation period of labor contract
* Additional clauses: confidential clause, clause on expiry of non-disclosure period, non-compete clause and compensation clause, etc.
* Factual labor relationship, fixed and non-fix duration labor contract
* The comparison between labor and service contract
* What is the use of collective contract

3. The establishment and implementation of internal regulations
* The process and method of establishing internal regulations
* Study on some internal regulations
- Sick leave and sick leave wage
- Overtime and annual leave
- Work injury and injury treatment
- Labor protection and labor safety and sanitation
- Welfare and training
* Key points for the implementation of internal regulations

4. The countermeasure and procedure of handling labor disputes
* How to prevent labor disputes
* The negotiation between employers and employees: individual negotiation, trade union negotiation, coordination through third party
* Brief introduction to the procedures of labor arbitration and legal litigation
* Onus probandi and evidence collection during labor disputes
* Cooperation with lawyer to solve disputes


* 人力资源总监、人力资源经理、薪酬经理、招聘经理、培训经理、行政经理

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