* 什么叫胜任力
* 胜任力特征的基本内容
* 能力模型与胜任力模型
* 胜任力模型的意义和作用
* 基于核心胜任力的人力资源管理体系
* 胜任力模型建立流程
- 定义绩效标准
- 选取分析效标样本
- 获取效标样本有关胜任特征的数据资料
- 建立胜任特征模型
- 验证胜任特征模型
* 胜任力模型建立方法
- 关键行为事件访谈法
- 问卷设计和统计分析
- 胜任力模型标准格式举例
* 胜任力模型建立练习
1. Principle of competence model’s application
* What is competence
* Basic content of competence characteristics
* Capacity model and competence model
* Significance of competence model
* HRM system based on the competence model
2. How to build a competence model
* The process
- Defining performance standards
- Selecting and analyzing samples
- Extracting and analyzing data of samples
- Building competence model
- Validating competence model
* Methods of building competence model
- Key behavioral interview
- Designing questionnaire and statistical analysis
- A competence model format of an example position
* Exercise: Building a competence for one position
3. How to apply competence model to HR management
* 人力资源总监/经理