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课程编号:22556 查看完整版课程大纲
时间地点:2015/6/3日 至 2015/6/3日 上海培训时长:1天
课程类别:领导力 (查看该类别更多课程)
所有排期: 2016/3/16至2016/3/16 上海 2016/6/15至2016/6/15 上海 2016/7/13至2016/7/13 北京 2016/9/7至2016/9/7 上海 2016/11/9至2016/11/9 上海

* 理解领导不是权威,是互赖互信的关系
* 树立正确的领导风格
* 提升非职权影响力,即信从的能力
* 完善自我,释放他人,激发团队的潜能1.领导是过程,而非职位
* 认识管理者的常见过失
* 领导的权威来自哪里
* 当今社会环境领导者的挑战
* 认识职场发展需求的四个层次

* 领导艺术的差异:控制与释放
* 领导力的三个层级
* 非职权领导力的本质——信从
* 领导艺术在执行力中的降本增效
* 自我完善,激发信任
* 互信互赖——高效能组织的核心

* 群体vs.团队,两者的差异
* 领导是每个人的分内事
* 激发团队的核心凝聚力
* 引领正直、积极的团队文化
* 赢得合作与支持
* 建设性解决异议

* 认识员工在授权和受权下的不同反应
* 领导授权的心理要件
* 有效授权是领导艺术的实践检验
* 人才培养的4E1P原则
* 绩效不当下属的教导与辅导
* 激励员工的策略与实践
* 领导艺术没有简单的诀窍
* 微小处改变,持之以恒

1. Leadership is a process, not a position
* Understanding managers’ common faults
* Where does the authority come from
* Challenges that leaders are facing in today’s society
* Identifying the four levels of career development needs

2. Non-hierarchical leadership is from the faith
* Differences in leadership: controlling and releasing
* Three levels of leadership
* Nature of non-hierarchical leadership - the faith
* Leadership in execution - reducing costs, improving effect
* Self-improvement, stimulating trust
* Mutual trust and dependence - the core of high-performance organizations

3. Leading a team or a group
* Group vs. team: what differences
* Leadership is everyone’s own task
* Stimulating team’s core cohesion
* Creating righteous and active team culture
* Winning cooperation and support
* Dealing with objections constructively

4. The art of leadership is to release potential and achieve complementarity
* Identifying employees’ different reactions to be delegated and be authorized
* Psychological factors of delegation
* Effective delegation is a practical testing of the art of leadership
* 4E1P principles in talent development
* Enlightening and coaching for poor performance employees
* Strategies and practices to motivate employees
* No simple knack to the art of leadership
* Every tiny change matters, maintaining in a persistent way


* 希望通过影响力而非技巧来聚合团队的管理者

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