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课程编号:22926 查看完整版课程大纲
时间地点:2015/4/1日 至 2015/4/2日 北京培训时长:2天
课程类别:人力资源 (查看该类别更多课程)
所有排期: 2016/4/27至2016/4/28 重庆 2016/6/2至2016/6/3 上海 2016/7/4至2016/7/5 三亚 2016/8/11至2016/8/12 北京 2016/10/17至2016/10/18 上海 2016/12/1至2016/12/2 北京

* 物质生活从匮乏到丰富
* 生活环境从封闭到开放
* 信息获取从单源到多源
* 生活文化从官方主导到大众主导
* 家庭结构从大家到小家

* 新生代员工在职场上的行为特点
* 新生代员工和60、70后员工的差异
* 新生代员工的目标管理
- 目标的有效性
- 目标的参与性
- 目标的共识性
* 新生代员工的制度化管理
- 制度化管理与人性化管理的平衡
- 如何强化制度化管理的有效性

* 何为教练式管理
* 辅导的关键是什么
* 新生代员工辅导的特点
* 如何更好地给新生代员工提供辅导

* 马斯洛理论
* 赫茨伯格的激励——保健理论
* 新生代员工的需求特点
* 新生代员工缺乏积极性的原因
* 如何激励、留住新生代员工

* 什么是高效团队
* 高效团队的特点
* 新生代员工的团队意识
* 针对新生代员工的团队建设的工作重点

1. Background of the Generation Y - the era of upheaval
* Material life: from scarce to abundant
* Living environment: from close to open
* Access to information: from single to multiple
* Living culture: from official to mass
* Family structure: from big to small

2. How do management theories suit to the characteristics of the Generation Y
* Behavioral characteristics of generation Y employees at workplace
* Differences between generation Y and other employees
* Objective management of generation Y
- The effectiveness of target
- Target participatory
- Target consensus
* The institutionalized management of generation Y employees
- Balance between institutionalized management and humane management
- How to enhance the effectiveness of institutionalization management

3. Effective coaching of the generation Y
* What is coaching
* The key points
* The characteristics of the generation Y employees counseling
* How to better provide counseling to the generation Y employees

4. How to motivate and keep the generation Y engaged
* Maslow theory
* Herzberg’s motivation - hygiene theory
* The gen Y employees’ workplace expectation and desire
* The reason for the lack of motivation
* How to motivate and retain the generation Y employees

5. Team building of the generation Y
* What is an effective team
* The characteristics of effective teams
* Generation Y’s sense of team
* The focus in managing the generation Y


* 管理新生代员工的管理者

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