* 培训的类型、阶段、层次
* 培训与教育的不同之处
* 培训的类型和各类培训的实施过程
* 优秀培训师的特质
* 为什么了解学员如此重要
* 成人学习的原理、特点和风格
* 了解学员的类型
演讲技巧 * 克服紧张情绪
* 语言的运用
* 声调的运用
* 形体语言
* 带动技巧与气氛掌握
* 提问与回答的技巧
* 如何承上启下
* 如何处理难缠的学员
* 引导不同类型的学员(疲倦的,不感兴趣的学员等)
* 教学方法适用情境分析
* 怎样组织学员讨论
* 头脑风暴法的正确运用
* 怎样做角色扮演
* 怎样做案例分析
* 怎样做游戏
1. The characteristics of trainer’s work
* Different training types, phases, levels
* The difference between training and education
* How to implement training of different types
* What makes a good trainer
2. Knowing your participants
* Why is it so important to know the participants
* The way how adults learn
* Knowing the different types of participants
3. Presentation skills for trainers
* Overcoming stress
* Language skills
* How to manage your tune
* Body language
4. How to direct the group
* Atmosphere controlling
* Questioning and answering skills
* How to carry forward in a new topic
* How to deal with tough participants
* Handling different behaviors and attitudes of participants
5. Training delivery methods
* Different training methods
* Organizing group discussion
* Making good use of brainstorming
* The role play method
* The case study method
* Training games
6. Participants’ exercise and trainer’s debriefing