*各级销售人员;客户服务人员 课程收益:
随着社会活动的多元化发展,社交场合的举止、穿着、交通等商务礼仪成为销售人员的必修课,本课程将帮助销售人员:1.加深理解现代礼仪文明、塑造良好的职业形象;2.掌握特定场合的商务行为礼仪的知识及实务;3.提升沟通能力,针对不同性格的顾客采用不同的沟通方法。 课程大纲:
* 外在形象及服饰的重要性
* 销售人员形象四原则和着装六不准
* 商务着装的场合及要素
* 女性销售人员和男性销售人员的形象要求
* 站姿、坐姿——保持良好姿态的技巧
* 男士和女士的标准站姿和行走姿态
* 握手——这5秒钟意味着经济效益
* 眼神——传递内心热情的第一通道
* 微笑——运气和财富的交换器
* 电话礼仪的重要性
* 影响通话质量的因素
* 接听和挂断电话的礼仪、移动电话礼仪
* 宴请准备
* 中餐和西餐餐饮礼仪
* 介绍礼仪、递送名片的原则
* 迎接的礼仪
* 接待陪同礼仪
* 轿车礼仪
* 送别礼仪
* 会议的、谈判、签约的座次礼仪
* 通过“聆听”了解对方
* 通过“提问”澄清问题
* 通过“表达”让对方理解
* 通过“信任”建立关系
1. The dress code for salesperson
* The importance of business dress
* 4 principles of the image and 6 “not allowed” in dress code
* How to dress on different occasions
* Dress code for saleswoman and for the salesman
2. The body images of salesperson
* Standing, sitting - the skills to maintain good posture
* Standing for salesman and saleswoman
* Walking
* Shaking hands
* Eye contact
* Smile
3. The telephone etiquette for salesperson
* The importance of telephone etiquette
* The factors for good telephone conversation quality
* How to answer / hang up the phone and use mobile properly
4. Table manners for salesperson
* How to prepare a dinner
* Table manners for Chinese and Western banquets
5. The etiquette in business visit
* How to introduce both parties and give name cards
* How to welcome your guests
* How to accompany them
* How to use a car
* How to say goodbye
* How to arrangement seats
6. The skills of communication and interaction with the customer
* Through the “listening” to understand
* Through the “questions” to clarify
* Through the “express” to convince
* Through the “trust” to build the relationship